Match your project idea with one of the Programme’s specific objectives.
The factsheets provide for each Specific Objective (SO) a summary of the territorial challenges and opportunities, objectives, target groups, activities, and results. These are designed to help potential applicants understand what is expected from projects under each topic.
Step 1 documents
At step 1 of the application process, applicants submit a light application.
Prepare your step 1 application with the help of our guidance documents.
Step 2 documents
Project applications approved at step 1 are invited to further develop their proposals including a
detailed work plan. The Contact Points guide applicants in the process with the support of the Joint Secretariat.
Prepare your step 2 application with the help of our guidance documents.

Programme area
Identify which regions are eligible for funding with the Programme area map.
Seven countries are participating in the 2021-2027 NWE Programme: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland.
The NWE Joint Electronic Monitoring System (Jems) is an online system covering the full project life cycle within one monitoring tool.
Project proposals, both at step 1 and step 2 of NWE calls must be submitted in English and only through Jems.
Online Community
On this platform, users can interact and get in touch with other organisations from across the North-West Europe area, browse for project ideas in the pipeline and exchange with potential partners ahead of our upcoming calls for proposals.
Contact Points network
Continuous assistance is provided by the Interreg NWE network of Contact Points during the project development phases (step 1 and step 2). They are available to respond to any queries and will provide tailored advice on your project idea.
The Programme strongly encourages all lead partner applicants to consult the CP of their country / region before submitting an application.