What is Interreg NWE?

The Interreg North-West Europe Programme fosters transnational cooperation to make the area more resilient, and to contribute to a better quality of life and well-being of all citizens

Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) is a European Territorial Cooperation programme aiming to support a balanced development across the area, making all regions more resilient, and contributing to a better quality of life and well-being of all NWE citizens.

Since the industrial revolution, the NWE area has been at the vanguard of industrialisation and economic development in Europe. However, this century of growth came at a cost:

  • On the environment
  • On people
  • On territorial inequalities

To address these challenges, our Programme supports NWE territories in leading a sustainable and balanced development and in reducing disparities. Using its transnational cooperation expertise, the 2021-2027 Programme wants to jointly:

promote a green, smart and just transition for all NWE territories with the aim to support a balanced development and make all regions more resilient”

To reach this objective, the Interreg NWE Programme will support transnational cooperation involving public and private stakeholders, university and research, and civil society organisations from the different regions involved in the NWE Programme area.

In the 2021-2027 period, a total budget of over 310 million EUR is allocated to Interreg North-West Europe.

Interreg North-West Europe supports cooperation across borders in a large European area: North-West Europe. For that, we fund projects involving partners from at least 3 different countries with a joint approach to tackle common issues. The aim is to reduce the disparities among regions and cities across the whole area.

Download our leaflet 

Territorial analysis

A territorial analysis identifying the NWE Programme’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats – comparatively to other (Interreg) Programmes was conducted. Drawing lessons from the 2014-2020 period, it seeks to answer the following question: What type of territorial projects would deliver added value to European Territorial Cohesion through transnational cooperation? The document defines Interreg NWE's needs regarding its territorial span and includes recommendations for a geographical area to be covered by the next programme. It also addresses target groups to engage with and topics to tackle in 2021-2027. This is a background document which supported the working groups and NTF discussions and helped in drafting the new Cooperation Programme.

Download the full territorial analysis   Download the summary version

Learn more about the NWE Programme area

Interreg Programme (IP)

The final  Interreg Programme (version 24 Aug 2022) is the outcome of discussions among Member States within the North-West Europe Task Force on the Future (NTF) and its dedicated working groups, which have based themselves on the Interreg Regulation for the 2021-2027 period and the SWOT analysis for the future Programme. It also includes inputs from the NWE Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and the feedback submitted to the NWE Programme in a stakeholder consultation. The document was drafted in compliance with Article 17 of the Interreg Regulation for the 2021-2027 period, according to the template annexed to the aforementioned regulation.

Download the Interreg Programme for NWE in the four Programme languages: 

NWE Interreg Programme - EN   NWE Interreg Programme - DE   

NWE Interreg Programme - NL   NWE Interreg Programme - FR 

Citizens' Summary

                                                            Citizens' Summary 2022  Citizens' Summary 2021  Citizens' Summary 2020