
Support documentation for the project implementation phase

The NWE Joint Electronic Monitoring System (Jems) is a customised version of the common monitoring system developed by the Interact Programme, which is used by a large community of Interreg programmes. Jems is an online system covering the full project life cycle within one monitoring tool, from the project application.

Once the project is approved, Jems is used for reporting on the  project implementation progress (both content-wise and financially). Controllers will confirm the eligibility of expenditure and the NWE Joint Secretariat will monitor the projects using Jems.

This section provides support and guidance on how to use Jems during the project implementation phase.

Guidance for partner report

This step-by-step video guides you through the reporting process in Jems (also available in French). For more detailed information, consult the List of expenditure guidance and the Output and result evidence guidance.

List of expenditure

This document helps you fill in the partner report List of expenditures in Jems.

List of expenditures guidance

Output and result evidence

This document indicates the type of evidence to be provided on Jems when reporting outputs and/or results in Project reports.

Output and result guidance

Technical support

A helpdesk for technical support specifically dedicated to Jems can be reached via email.

Contact the helpdesk