Step 1 Documents

Prepare your step 1 application with the help of the following documents.

Application process

Get an overview of the milestones and timeline of the application process.

This infographic explains our two-step application process.


Intervention logic

​Structure your project idea with the help of the intervention logic infographic.

From territorial challenges and opportunities to project results and societal benefits for North-West Europe.


Territoriality factsheet

Territoriality in Interreg North-West Europe

In addition to the Specific Objectives (SO) factsheets, this document explains how territoriality should be approached and justified in your project proposal.


Priority 5 applicants guidance 

This document provides orientation for applicants under Priority 5 regarding funded themes and key principles

to keep in mind when drafting a project idea.


Step 1 application form

The step 1 application form is a word version of what applicants will find on the 
Interreg NWE Joint electronic submission system (Jems) and need to fill in to submit a step 1 application.

Please note that this document is made available for demonstration and information purposes only.


Step 1 eligibility criteria 

The step 1 eligibility criteria are the list of criteria each project must comply with to be declared eligible.


Step 1 assessment criteria 

The step 1 assessment criteria are the criteria against which every project application will be assessed to establish its relevance and feasibility. 

Decisions on whether to grant funding will be based on this document.
