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Scaling-up virtual rehabilitation in the NWE-region
Rehabilitation has an important role in improving the health and well-being of the population and the overall efficiency and sustainability of the health systems. The ageing of the population will increase the number of persons who need rehabilitatio...
Heartsafe NWE
Building on proven experience: Making North-West Europe Heartsafe
Heartsafe NWE is a pioneering project aimed at addressing the pressing issue of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) across North-West Europe. SCA is the 3rd leading cause of death in Europe, with survival rates for Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) varyi...
Smart technologies for personalized home care for neurological pediatric patients
In NWE, Europe's most densely populated region, there are approximately 12,000 children with neurological disorders who face lifelong challenges, including severe mobility limitations. These children require personalised rehabilitation plans that add...
Project news
This Specific Objective 4.5 addresses territorial imbalances and needs that exist in NWE with respect to health care access and the resilience of health systems. The territorial analysis of the transnational cooperation area showed that inhabitants of peripheral areas in NWE have generally more difficulties accessing healthcare services. This problem is aggravated by the observed decrease in hospital beds that has taken place in NWE over the last years. Generally, there is a need to further improve accessibility of healthcare and long-term care services in rural areas and particularly in the peripheral areas of NWE.
Further population growth in the urban core areas of NWE may also overburden healthcare systems and affect their capacity to meet the future care demand effectively. Besides, demographic change and a further ageing of the population indicate an increasing need for innovative care services and new solutions in the health care systems of NWE.
Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the lack of resilience of healthcare systems in NWE regions as well as the strong interdependencies between countries and neighbouring border regions. This calls for better transnational cooperation to ensure sufficient provision of health care services to all NWE citizens.
This priority contributes to the European Pillar of Social Rights as well as to multiple UN SDGs, including SDGs 4 on quality education, 8 on decent work and economic growth, 10 on reduced inequalities.
Grants are the selected form of support for this SO. The size of planned operations, and the type of cooperation of target groups beyond national borders, allow for very limited use of support other than grants. In addition, planned operations will not generate significant revenue.