Interreg North-West Europe at #EURegionsWeek

Discover the impact of NWE projects at the European Week of Regions and Cities #EURegionsWeek
8 July 2024 by
Rania Balia

The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is set to return for its 22nd edition, taking place from Monday 7 to Thursday 10 October 2024, in Brussels. As the largest annual event dedicated to regional and urban policy, EURegionsWeek aims to highlight the place-based and territorial aspects of Cohesion Policy.

This year’s motto, “Empowering Communities,” will delve into four key themes:

  • Competitiveness and convergence: two sides of the same coin
  • Regions strengthening European Democracy
  • Smart and sustainable growth for regions
  • Regions got talent

Learn more about the event:

Join us at #EURegionsWeek

Interreg North-West Europe is thrilled to be among the event's partners with three NWE projects presenting "EU Talks".

Tuesday 8 October, 09:30 CET 

Promoting salvage and reuse in the EU construction sector

The EU’s construction sector accounts for 35% of total waste production and significantly contributes to CO2 emissions and raw materials consumption. Despite the great potential of material salvage and reuse, many building elements end up recycled or disposed. Drawing on the Interreg North-West Europe FCRBE project, Michael Ghyoot will present the tools that have enabled the reuse of over 2000t of construction elements and illustrate how regions can move towards circular construction models.


Tuesday 8 October, 15:30 CET

Sustainable buildings and cities: the potential of integrated urban farms

In Europe, buildings are the largest energy consumer, with 75% showing poor energy performance. The Interreg North-West Europe GROOF project has studied how to integrate greenhouses on and to buildings to reuse the heat produced and reduce CO2 emissions. Caroline Bini, partner in the project, will demonstrate how this innovative approach towards urban resilience - circular urban farms - not only helps cities decrease CO2 emissions, but also improves access to local food.


Wednesday 9 October, 15:30 CET 

Restoring peatlands: a step towards climate neutrality

Peatlands cover 8% of the EU's surface and have a natural potential to store carbon. Unfortunately, many are degraded, releasing carbon rather than storing it. European regions need to act now to prevent further degradation. Katrien Wijns, partner in the Interreg North-West Europe Care-Peat project, will present how seven peatlands were restored, resulting in carbon saving of 9 600t of CO2/year and highlight how the project’s capitalisation approach paves the way for future climate policies.
