Call 5 regional workshops coming up in Germany

18 September 2024 by
Roxana Balan

Is your organisation situated in the NWE Programme area in Germany and are you interested in applying for Interreg North-West Europe call 5 under one of our 5 Priorities
If so, three relevant events are coming up for you! To support you in the further development of your project idea and to inform you about the application process and expectations of the Programme, the 
Contact Points for Germany are organising three regional workshops this October.  

1. Regional workshop / Central on 1 October 2024, in Düsseldorf
Register here before 26 September 2024.

2. National workshop / South on 10 October 2024, in Stuttgart
Register here before 7 October 2024.

2. National workshop / North on 15 October 2024, in Oldenburg
Register here before 10 October 2024.

The workshops are open to both Interreg-experienced organisations, as well as newcomers who would like to know more about funding opportunities and how to get involved in Interreg NWE.

The events will be taking place in German language. No translation is foreseen.

After information and exercises on project development as well as practical insights from partners of current Interreg NWE projects, the German Contact Points will offer consultation sessions in the afternoon to discuss your project idea in more detail. If you are interested , please send a project outline beforehand (link to template) to

Note: the workshops are identical in content, it is not necessary to participate in more than one.