Is your organisation situated in the NWE Programme area in Germany and are you interested in applying for Interreg North-West Europe call 4 under one of our 5 Priorities?
In this case there are two relevant events coming up for you. Our two NWE Contact Points for Germany Nora Crossey and Lorraine Brindel-Schild are organising two national events in February 2024 to prepare applicants for their call 4 submission:
1. National workshop / South on 6 February 2024, 10h00 in Frankfurt am Main
Organised in cooperation with the Metropolitan Region Frankfurt/Rhein-Main
Register here until 26 January 2024.
2. National workshop / North on 16 February 2024, 10h00 in Bremen
Organised in cooperation with the Senator for Construction, Mobility and Urban Development of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and the Lower Saxon Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development
Register here until 8 February 2024.
Both events will be taking place in German language. No translation is foreseen.
Participants will receive essential information on project development and project planning. On both days a representative of a current Interreg NWE project will be present to share valuable experience. Helene Schabasser, Development Officer at the Joint Secretariat, will also be present to support CPs and answer pressing questions first hand.
In addition, applicants may register for a coaching session to exchange with the Contact Points on their project idea one-on-one. To ensure constructive coaching sessions, registrants are asked to send a project outline to up to 10 days before the event. As the number of coaching sessions is limited, we recommend registering early.