On 6-7 June, more than 150 representatives of our 14 approved call 1 projects met in Lille with the Interreg NWE Joint Secretariat and Contact Points to exchange on the requirements for project implementation. The key topics discussed were project management, communication, monitoring and reporting.
Next to the inputs from the Joint Secretariat and lively Q&A sessions with project partners, the meeting was also a good occasion for project representatives to network and exchange experience.
The signing of subsidy contracts between the Interreg North-West Europe Managing Authority Région Hauts-de-France and the respective project lead partners is ongoing and projects are ready for a flying start.
More information on the first 14 Interreg NWE projects of the 2021-2027 programming period will soon be available on individual project webpages, within the NWE website.
Check out below the topics covered by our call 1 projects :

Priority 1
Climate & environment
BUFFER carbon + water in peatlands: landscape based solutions for climate adaptation
Industrial and Business Parks – climate resilient & fit for future
Creating Resilient River Systems by Mainstreaming and Upscaling Nature based Solutions

Priority 2
Energy transition
Scaling Up the Energy Poverty Approach
Aquathermal Heating and Cooling for Energy Communities
De-Carb Pro
Decarbonise public procurement in NWE – account for the future

Circular economy
Hemp as a driver of circularity in the textile industry: from field to recycled fibre
REcycling of NUtrients to close the fertiliser CYCLE
Circular Conversion Cascades to Transform Residual Biomass to Carbon Products
Developing biobased & recycled / reused material solutions for retrofit

Priority 4
Innovation and resilience
Improving territorial resilience in NWE through innovative and smart transformation

Priority 5
Inclusive society
Scaling-up virtual rehabilitation in the NWE-region
MOdal shift, routing and nudging solutions in Nature areas for sustainable tourism