H4.0E Guidebook: Coming Summer 2022

The Housing 4.0 Energy (H4.0E) Guidebook takes the form of a physical and digital information booklet aiming to educate the reader on the principles and practices of H4.0E while also telling the story of the project.

More specifically, the H4.0E guidebook outlines to stakeholders from other regions on how to implement the H4.0E concept successfully, ensuring the transferability and longevity of the Housing 4.0 Energy project.

The H4.0E Guidebook is targeted towards those in the construction industry, policy makers and drivers, and future users of H4.0E homes, including individuals that will live in the houses and the public authorities that will run them. The H4.0E Guidebook shall serve as a tool for these groups to better understand H4.0E principles and practices and to be used to encourage others to take them on.

Further, the guidebook describes a step-by-step approach based on the completion of the affordable, low carbon pilot homes, the different policy contexts and related legal and financial frameworks that impact the uptake of the H4.0E concept, the monitoring results of the pilots and the first lessons learned that will be available from the trainings. T

Irish partner of the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Housing 4.0 Energy project, South East Energy Agency have led this initiative to build capacity and ensure long-term project impact. However, all partners have provided the content for their sections within the guidebook as a transnational approach to share lessons learned and ensure replicability of H4.0E across all partner regions. Such information provided by partner regions includes stories from each of the H4.0E pilot partners on their own affordable, low carbon houses and their experiences in bringing these to their localities. South East Energy Agency is also worked closely with Open Systems Lab (OSL) on developing a guide to the H4.0E Digital Platform, so that people can generate their own H4.0E houses beyond the life of the project.

Download the H4.0E Guidebook

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