H4.0E Open House in Carlow

On January 12th 2023, South East Energy Agency invited Irish stakeholders to tour the Carlow Pilot and experience the low carbon, affordable H4.0E pilot house. The goal of the visit was to learn about its construction from the ground up — which included stands from AMVIC, who provided the insulation, and Joule, who provided the heat pump. South East Energy Agency was also visited on the day by a local authority representative and construction organisations.

Visitors of the open house were welcome to explore the interior of the house and learn about the construction of the house as well as the H4.0E pilots across Ireland and Europe. Attendees from several stakeholder organisations who visited the pilot house were encouraged to look deeper into the Housing 4.0 Energy project to explore the potential of replicating the pilot homes or adapting to the lessons learned from the transnational project.

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